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Datum ne 08. 08. 2021 Čas 19:00 Místo Vrchlabské hudební léto Rezervace vstupenek Rezervace

Místo konání: Klášter sv. Augustina



Hanna Rabe / harfa

Verena Beatrix Schulte / flétna


Generální partner 

Vstupné: Vstupné: 200,- / studenti a senioři 150,- / děti do 15 let 50,- / do12 let zdarma


Jaques Ibert (1890-1962) – Entr’acte

Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918)
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (arr. Judy Loman)

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Romanze No.1

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Zwei Lieder (arr. Theobald Böhm)
Gute Nacht

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Arpeggione Sonate
Allegro moderato
Adagio - Allegretto

Louis Spohr (1784 - 1859)
Potpourri über Themen aus der Zauberflöte



EN:  The QUEENS DUO - consisting of harpist Hanna Rabe and flutist Verena Beatrix Schulte - is considered one of the leading duos in its casts. With a unique combination of creativity and tradition, the young ensemble skillfully aims to change the traditional image of a flute-harp duo and opens the ears to new, as well as unexplored levels in music.


Already with their debut CD “The Art of Imagination”, released by the label TYXart, the two musicians demonstrated their sense for intelligent and extraordinary program design. As part of their current CD “Perception”, released in 2020 by GENUIN Classics, they go one step further playing their own arrangements of selected works for flute and harp and proving to be artists who consistently succeed in thinking beyond the limits of their instruments.


The award-winning QUEENS DUO is winner of the international chamber music competition “Citta di Chieri”, named “Artist of the Year 2014” of the Marienmünster Cultural Foundation, scholarship holder of the PE Funding Mannheim and winner of the “Young Art 2014” award from the Volksbank.


Since the Westdeutsche Rundfunk became aware of the young artists as part of its “Open Auditions” concert series in 2014, the duo has worked regularly with the broadcaster, has been a guest in concert series and interviews, and in 2017 accepted the invitation to perform Mozart's double concerto for flute, harp and orchestra together with the prestigious WDR Funkhaus Orchestra in Cologne.





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Picasso ACR design Petr Šuba Pekviz Caffé Botta hudy.cz U Zvonu Picasso Jona drinks CAPARTI Srub pod Medvědínem ČEZ Ingtours ATL Elektro Kavárna 7 štítů profi-sklo.cz Light Guide Systems Česká spořitelna Kněžická chalupa